Thoughts From An Opal Child

As I grow older, time is racing by, as if I am on a high-speed train barreling towards the end of my life. One minute, I am turning a page in the calendar and greeting a new month, and the next a new year is on the horizon. I find myself thinking a lot about my own mortality, and my legacy.  Career, success, recognition, money- goals once so important, seem so frivolous now.
I’ll be 64 October 1st, and more than half my life is over. Every time that thought enters my head, I hear the Beatles song- When I’m 64. In my heart, I’m still that 60’s flower child.
In this season of my life, I would rather chase rainbows and watch butterflies flutter in the Spring air. This, along with my writing, is more than enough for me.
Autumn opal child
savoring the seasons left
rockin’ to the end
©2018 Linda Lee Lyberg

Frank is hosting Haibun Monday over at d’Verse Poet’s Pub and he is asking us to write about silent sounds- those thoughts in our head.

21 Comments on “Thoughts From An Opal Child

  1. Beautiful. Chronological ages, and societal judgements, often belie how we feel within – keep watching the butterflies/

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