
Still Life
Adolph de Meyer (1908)
Burdened by the weight of a thousand petaled thoughts
mired in muddy memories of a love lost…

she abides the bitter torment from what’s broken and gone
remembering the moments of bliss in his warm arms.


Their world… once painted bright colors on her innocent soul
now her life alone in shades of ash and graying bones,
as she pays the costly toll.


She has no sense of time, of the present nor the past…
only that he’s gone for the emptiness is vast.


And when in her darkest hour, the petals fall and lay,
there’s nothing left but brittle stems and deadly sharp thorns
carving deep the memory of when he walked away.
©2018 Linda Lee Lyberg

23 Comments on “Weight

  1. This is beautifully poignant! From “weight of a thousand petaled thoughts” to “no sense of time, of the present nor the past…” I can feel every word.. every emotion. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. She has no sense of time, of the present nor the past…
    only that he’s gone for the emptiness is vast

    These two lines hit the nail on the head.
    Thank you for your interpretation of the photo.

    Liked by 1 person

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