Sacred Secrets

Tranquil solitude
alone in the wilderness
hawk’s cry echoing

red rock canyon whispering
sacred secrets of ancients
nature’s sentinels
weeping from man’s ignorance
abuse of the land

©2018 Linda Lee Lyberg

Author’s Note: Trying a new form today- an oriental Octet.

Oriental Octet is an invented verse form that appears to emulate the syllabic pattern of the tanka and haiku. It was created by James R. Gray who requests the theme of the poem be nature.

  1. an octastich, a poem in 8 lines.
  2. syllabic, 5-7-5-7-7-5-7-5 syllables per line.
  3. unrhymed.

Ramblings of a Writer Weekly Poetry Challenge – Week 119

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