Black Midnight Sky

there be
witches’ brooms

taking flight, high
in black midnight sky
Dia de los Muertos
rising from the catacombs
fearful ghosts of past ancestors
ancient ones given food, offerings
kept alive in memory and spirit

©2018 Linda Lee Lyberg

Colleen’s Weekly Poetry Challenge No 108

20 Comments on “Black Midnight Sky

  1. “Día de los Muertos” is a day to remember your loved ones that died. To eat their favorite meals and drink their favorite drinks and talk about their lives and experiences you may have had with them and how they affected your life. It’s a beautiful thing to remember the dead. It has nothing to do with witches flying through the air but I liked that you combined both Halloween and Día de los Muertos in your Etheree poem. Happy Friday and weekend! 🙂 xo

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Colleen’s #Tanka Tuesday #Poetry Challenge Recap No. 108, “Afraid & Grave”, #SynonymsOnly – Colleen Chesebro ~ The Faery Whisperer

  3. Pingback: Colleen’s #Tanka Tuesday #Poetry Challenge Recap No. 108, “Afraid & Grave”, #SynonymsOnly | Word Craft ~ Prose & Poetry

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