The End of Innocence

He was a musician; I was naive
Caught in his Rock ‘n Roll web
I the butterfly; enchanted and intrigued
Hungry for affection; ignoring mis-steps

Caught in his Rock ‘n Roll web
He feasted on my wide-eyed innocence
Hungry for affection; ignoring mis-steps
Playing my heart like his stringed instrument

He feasted on my wide-eyed innocence
Devouring my love; a deprived soul
Playing my heart like his stringed instrument
In my heaving chest lies; a gaping hole

Devouring my love; a deprived soul
I the butterfly; enchanted and intrigued
In my heaving chest lies; a gaping hole
He was a musician; I was naive

©2018 Linda Lee Lyberg

I opted for a Pantoum for dVerse Poets Pub:

28 Comments on “The End of Innocence

  1. oooh, that is a beautiful spider in the picture! that is the thing about predation, it lock you up tight and sucks out your juice. Love is something different isn’t it? This is well crafted and tugs at me LInda.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. There is a wicked enchantment of rock-n-roll, and even the musicians are caught in its web. I bet this fellow looks back and feels sorry for how he treated you. That is, if he escaped the trap!

    Liked by 1 person

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