Hollow Tainted Morn

Here in these hollow hours before morn
In vain I scream out your dear name
But there is no answer for you’ve gone
I’m left alone with this grief all the same

In vain I scream out your dear name
While I ponder how your life went awry
I’m left alone with this grief all the same
Do you hear on the wind my stricken cries?

While I ponder how your life went awry
Thinking what else I may have tried or done
Do you hear on the wind my stricken cries
Before the golden sun heralds in a new dawn?

Thinking what else I may have tried or done
But today there is no answer for you’re still gone
Before the golden sun heralds in a new dawn
I cry in hollow hours before a tainted morn

©2021 Linda Lee Lyberg

Imaginary Garden: http://withrealtoads.blogspot.com/2019/01/just-one-word-hollow.html

Poets United: http://poetryblogroll.blogspot.com/2019/01/poetry-pantry-435.html

27 Comments on “Hollow Tainted Morn

  1. My goodness this is absolutely exquisite in its portrayal of longing and grief! You always capture my heart with your words, Linda ❤️

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