Sprouting Seeds

planting seeds
an obsession
of joyous delight
to see tender green shoots
pushing their way through rich earth
basking in fresh spring’s sunshine glow
dancing in the cool rains, swaying to
nature’s music wafting on fragrant breeze.

©2021 Linda Lee Lyberg

Colleen’s Weekly Poetry Challenge

21 Comments on “Sprouting Seeds

  1. I thought it was a nonet until I saw etheree. Didn’t realize they were so similar. The growing poem is like the growing seedling. My favorite place in a seedling’s life is when it gets that 2nd set of leaves. It’s a marker that it’s going to survive. Great etheree and nice seedlings ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Pingback: Colleen’s 2019 #Tanka Tuesday #Poetry Challenge Recap No. 129, #SynonymsOnly – The Faery Whisperer

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