Two Bodies, We

Two bodies, we
You, the hardwood Oak
I, the clinging passion vine
Entwined in the ebony night.

Two bodies, we
You, Mars the god of war
I, Venus the goddess of love
Fiery night sky bleeds with red heat.

Two bodies, we
You, the shaft of flint
I, the shimmering diamond
Black night sparks, catches fire.

Two bodies, we
You, the river flowing to the blue sea
I, tumultuous waves as you spill into me
The night screams with cries of ecstasy.

©2021 Linda Lee Lyberg

dVerse Poets Pub: Poetics Lost in Translation

Imaginary Garden With Real Toads: Tuesday Platform

38 Comments on “Two Bodies, We

  1. Wow! Just wow!
    I though it was just about two people who are in contrast. But the ending gave it up. It’s an erotic poem.
    “You, the river flowing to the blue sea 
    I, tumultuous waves as you spill into me 
    The night screams with cries of ecstasy.”

    Love it!

    Liked by 1 person

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