
Everyone is gone now. The crows have disappeared, and the locusts have moved on. There is nothing left but dried stalks, whitened bones, and a cold wind. This empty field save for my lone silhouette, this is the barrenness of harvest or pestilence. First, came the rabbits and field mice, eating the last of the corn. Then, the final swarm of infected people staggered through the field, devoured everything. They left no seeds that may sprout in spring should the rains ever come again. Their hunger was so great, they even ate every grub and worm they could find. As they dug their skeletal fingers into the dark soil, anything that moved became their feast. But it was not enough and many fell where they were, dying in the ravaged field.

And me? I’m naught but a scarecrow witnessing the end of human life.

©2021 Linda Lee Lyberg

dVerse Poets Pub: Prosery 5: All Hallows

27 Comments on “Devoured

  1. Zombies and ghouls are very popular today, you are bang on with your dystopian tale, and it rocks the prompt.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love that you wrote this from a scarecrow’s perspective, but the reader doesn’t know that until the end! A superbly eerie dystopian Halloween tale: a scarecrow without crows to scare. I found especially chilling: ‘There is nothing left but dried stalks, whitened bones, and a cold wind. This empty field save for my lone silhouette…’ and those hungry infected people dying in the ravaged field.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great photo to go with this story. There’s something about this fat scarecrow that makes him very sinister contrasted with the scene of apocalyptic desolation he describes. My friend Mary Greer has a theory that the proliferation of Zombie movies is an outward manifestation of our communal fears about overpopulation

    Liked by 1 person

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