Copper Burnished Autumn

“Do you know what the earth meditates upon in autumn?”- Pablo Neruda

When autumn’s burnished light
drifts across the garden,
copper shadows stagger
onto the littered path
I ponder what leaves are feeling
as they scatter at my feet
Do they know their life is over
and soon, they’ll rot and die
returning to mother earth,
Kissing fresh air good-bye
until they meet again,
On fresh limbs of a new tree
bursting forth in spring?

©2021 Linda Lee Lyberg

Imaginary Garden with Real Toads: Just One Word Burnished

31 Comments on “Copper Burnished Autumn

  1. In their final moments of glory “Do they know their lives are over?”. I really like that description of autumn leaves. They are at their most beautiful right before they expire.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Maybe that is why they burn so brightly at the end…one last glorious burst! Rather like an old poet (me) scribbling furiously while I still can. Smiles.

    Liked by 1 person

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