Sea Glass

“I can write the saddest poem of all tonight. I loved her, and sometimes she loved me too.” 

― Pablo Neruda

Here on the sea glass littered sandy shore
Only gulls can hear my anguished cries over the roar
So I burden the sapphire ocean with wrenching sorrows,
Mingling my blinding tears with its briny waters.

I scream at the emptiness your leaving has created,
I mourn for our perfect love now crumbling, eroded
With each harsh bitter word and acrid falling tear
The waves pull me in, take me farther from shore.

And here is where I will remain, forever more.

©2020 Linda Lee Lyberg

Poets and StoryTellers United: Weekly Scribblings #3 Salt-water Poems

Also linking to dVerse Poets Pub for OLN where I am hosting tonight. Come share a poem with us! The pub opens at 3PM EST.

Linda Lee Lyberg is a wife, mother, artist, published poet and author. She resides in Mesa, AZ with her husband Pete (aka The Big Viking) of 24 years, and her dog, Ricky Bobby. Linda writes various forms of poetry, as well as short stories. You can read more of her works at:
and purchase anthologies containing her work here: Amazon Author Page

53 Comments on “Sea Glass

  1. This is exquisitely drawn, Linda! 💝 I resonate with; “Mingling my blinding tears with its briny waters.” The sea knows and shares so much. Thank you for adding your voice to the prompt! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. There is such sadness in this poem, Linda, which is illuminated by the sparkling sea glass and the sapphire ocean. I love how you echo the sounds of the beach with the anguished cry. A tragic ending.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m struck by the contrast of the beauty of the speaker’s surroundings and the depth of their heartbreak.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is indeed a beautiful poem, even if one is not familiar with “sea glass”. The being splintered, to be found in amounts on the shore, in colours, sharp, though steadily weakened, for finally to be washed away. Ai believe aI have been there. And you create a mood by image alone, not by emotional adjectives and adverbs. Ai am impressed, to state it as it is.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. kaykuala

    The waves pull me in, take me farther from shore.
    And here is where I will remain, forever more.

    How very sad, unrequited love brought to its knees!


    Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh Wow, one of those if I wanna die here is how I’ll do it. I have a couple in recurring thought (they return, don’t they–especially when we are feeling down, I hardly ever write of those times), well really three. Going out in the ocean too far to swim back isn’t for me.

    Liked by 1 person

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