Tribute to Bibi

Bibi at 14
Bibi at 14

Tribute to Bibi

-Linda Lee Lyberg
 *For my Daughter
Bibi meddled in my life
For 17 long years
He sat and listened to my woes and
silenced all my fears.
He did not offer any words
When I was down and out
He merely cuddled close to me
And listened to the birds.
He taught me patience
and how to love unconditionally
He gave me all he had to give
And wanted tasty treats from me.
He was my soul companion
A human in cat form
Today I feel abandoned
He’s crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
Yesterday, my lovely daughter lost her companion of 17 years.
Bibi, the Siamese cat came to live with her on Christmas eve, 2000. She was standing in line at the Honey Baked Ham Company and two kids had kittens they were giving away. She intended to give the kitten to her friend Katy, who had recently lost her cat, but the kitten had other ideas. It was cold that day, so she put him between her shirt and sweater to keep him warm. The rest, as they say is history. Bibi and Tracy formed a bond that lasted for 17 years. He was with her during some of the lowest times of her life. Always near, always comforting. He slept with her every night with her arm surrounding him until he became too old to get on the bed.
Bibi passed away in his sleep, comforted by my daughter and her husband’s presence. He will be forever loved and remembered.

Copyright © 2017
Linda Lee Lyberg

Tracy, Bibi and Katy

Katy, Bibi, and Tracy


17 Comments on “Tribute to Bibi

  1. RIP Bibi. I know how it feels. Every action of your pet so resembles that of a human. And I had my pet cat too who I lost 5 years back. It might sound really odd but I may not be referring to anyone deceased in family as much as I refer and remember my cat. May the divine soul find solace.

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  2. Aww, RIP Bibi. We have a 15 year old Himalayan which has slowed down a lot in the last 2 years. I dread the day when we lose her. We will be rescuing a new 4 legged friend from the Humane Society if we Lose our best furry friend. Thank you for the follow

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