A Certain Death

Photo Courtesy of: Robert Sullivan

Should someday I find myself alone with nothing left but my words
my soul content, will be at peace my heart will carry no burdens.

For poetry is in my every breath, and all that comes between
this life I live and a certain death both mystery and majesty.

When I see a color stained sky painting a farewell to apricot sun
my thoughts take wing, flying from mind to hands to vellum.

The scent of blooming lavender wafting on the nascent breeze
sets my romantic soul dreaming how it must feel to be a honeybee.

As grey mockingbird sings a joyous creation of what he’s heard
my trembling heart sighs trying to put his music into words.

Though gnarled fingers ache from the betrayal of these aging bones
my poetic words must live on with hope someone will understand.

©2021 Linda Lee Lyberg

Poets United: Wild Friday Sanaa has asked us to use a poem as inspiration from the book Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur. Below are the lines of a poem I chose as my inspiration:

my heartbeat quickens at the thought 
of birthing poems
which is why I will never stop opening myself up
to conceive them’

Linda Lee Lyberg is a wife, mother, artist, published poet and author. She resides in Mesa, AZ with her husband Pete (aka The Big Viking) of 24 years, and her dog, Ricky Bobby. Linda writes various forms of poetry, as well as short stories. You can read more of her works at: charmedchaos.com
and purchase anthologies containing her work here: Amazon Author Page

17 Comments on “A Certain Death

  1. This one drew a deep sigh from me ❤️ there is such poignancy in the lines; “When I see a color stained sky painting a farewell to apricot sun my thoughts take wing, flying from mind to hands to vellum.” You are undoubtedly a passionate Poet and I so admire your way with words! Thank you so much for adding your voice to the prompt 😍😍

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