Where This River Takes Me

Where this river takes me is the place I will linger
among the weeping willows and the kudzu vines
whiling away precious hours, savoring fleeting time

Baring my hidden soul and my aged body
I’ll tell the river my secrets that no one else knows
I’ll let it see me naked as I shed my binding clothes

Basking in the white-hot sun on its mossy banks
I’ll revel in the freedom of being wild and free
with euphoria knowing the river will never judge me

Where this river takes me is the place I will linger…

©2018 Linda Lee Lyberg

VJ’s Weekly Challenge #20: River

Also adding this to d’Verse for tonight’s MTB- Repetition

53 Comments on “Where This River Takes Me

  1. Ripples of words run through this, and makes me appreciate all rivers, creeks, and even lakes, where water is moving toward the sea, a rendezvous with our/its essence.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. the image of the river flowing fits so perfectly with your words Linda. and the abandonment you experience being by the river that was very beautiful to read

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: No Stopping the River – One Woman's Quest II

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