
I cannot see you but I know you’re here
for the wind whispers your name
and the mockingbird high in the mesquite
mimics the blackbird’s song in memory.

The roses in the garden yearn for your thumb,
for they’ve grown weary of my futile attempts
to nurture with love and care as you did when you lived.


A summer storm came through and took
the Italian Cypress we planted so many years ago
For the trees and you I cried for days, remembering.


The azure sky is the color of your eyes when you smiled…
but when the reaper arrived they were misty grey,
and I knew with that glimpse of somber shade
that you were drifting, fading away.


©2018 Linda Lee Lyberg
Author’s Note: On this day 7 years ago, my mother passed away. There is not a day goes by that she is not with me in my heart.

48 Comments on “Whisper

  1. So powerful, loving, tender, sad… I’ve seen the greying of those eyes as they pass, when the light goes before the body. Thank you for such an openhearted poem, beautiful soul. ❤️🌺

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is so beautiful….a softness to this grief because of the imagery you’ve chosen to use.
    “For the trees and you I cried for days, remembering.” — these words…so poignant.
    And the ending describes that knowing moment…when we know our loved one is passing..the reaper, the change in the eye color. Just a wonderfully sensitive write.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Seven years. It seems like forever and yet it is immediately. My mother died a little over a year ago. I feel your grief in this poem. A lovely poem for your mother.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The murmuring alteration is superb in the lines:
    ‘…the mockingbird high in the mesquite
    mimics the blackbird’s song in memory’
    and these lines are so touching, Linda:
    ‘A summer storm came through and took
    the Italian Cypress we planted so many years ago
    For the trees and you I cried for days, remembering’.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This is so poignant! Especially like: “The azure sky is the color of your eyes when you smiled.” 💕 A beautiful poem for your mother, Linda. Please accept my deepest condolences..

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Brought tears to my eyes…I lost two children and the pain never fully goes away…your poem captured that feeling completely. What a beautiful tribute to your mother! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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