A Glimmer, A Shine

blue skies fade
give way to woe
as soft raindrops fall
upon my face, eager
to wash away my dismay
I say a prayer, ask for peace
to rid my soul of despair and grief
and through stormy clouds a glimmer, a shine
a beam of hope, peeking through dreary skies
the spirited sun, wielding the light
banishing away the drab blues
and in their place, saving grace
tiny seeds pushing through
the saturated
earth, giving birth
to new growth
from sun’s

©2021 Linda Lee Lyberg

Colleen’s Weekly Poetry Challenge

dVerse OLN

43 Comments on “A Glimmer, A Shine

  1. A double etheree so beautifully done:
    * the grey and rain in the first half; making way to the sun and streams of hope in the second half
    * two halves of the form; two halves of the emotional response
    * and to me….the shape could be the final raindrop that falls before the sun breaks through

    May we all have sun rays of hope in our lives.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The double etheree not only makes a great shape but also a beautiful contrast. I love the way the sun breaks:
    ‘…through stormy clouds a glimmer, a shine
    a beam of hope, peeking through dreary skies’.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I can hardly do a single Etheree, and here you are with a double. Beautifully done and the picture adds so much more value to the poem.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Colleen’s 2019 #Tanka Tuesday #Poetry Challenge Recap No. 124, #SynonymsOnly – The Faery Whisperer

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