Tag: rain

#Haibun: Desert Rain

My Garden: Mesa, AZ 2023 New Year’s day dawns dark, dreary, and rainy, which is so rare in the desert southwest. I stir from a deep slumber, listening to the uncommon sound of water dripping off the roof. These days, the calendar pages seem… Continue Reading “#Haibun: Desert Rain”

This Gift

Dreary grey skies and vague random rain Tap, tap tapping at my window pane My writing room filled with whispered sighsOf rose hues against a coal smoke sky Such days are rare during this seasonWhere bright flowers fade, feeling beatenAnd the scorching unrelenting sunSetting the west… Continue Reading “This Gift”

#Haiku: Drizzling Rain

a balancing act- snails feasting in drizzling rain nature’s acrobats

Autumn Moon

rain drenched autumn moon

Raindrops Shimmer

tiger lily tears

Morning Storm

Daybreak comes with an ominous ink stain painted on the morning sky. The wind is silent and still, as if the earth is holding its breath waiting for the impending assault. No birds singing; rather perching close to one another in the dense shelter… Continue Reading “Morning Storm”

Signs of Rain

Ponderous gray steel sky, birds flocking to feeders for fuel foretelling that a storm is coming as a stillness falls and the air is cool